eBoards of Excellence
eBoards of Excellence is a program to honor outstanding eBoards
created by our users. The eBoards of Excellence Award will be given several times each year to
individuals whose eBoards are exemplars of how eBoard can be used as a tool to support the 21st
Century Classroom by using technology to enhance instruction and increase communication between teachers,
students, and parents.
To submit your eBoard for the eBoards of Excellence Award enter the information in the form below and email the completed application to comments@eboard.com
eBoards of Excellence Application
Elementary School Award Winners | High School & Middle School Award Winners |

Mrs. Lukas & Mrs. Edmond, Kindergarten Teachers, Rocky Point School District, NY
This Kindergarten eBoard features links, curriculum info, District news, homework, and weekly updates. The site is chock full of great information and links. In addition to all this great information, Ms. Lukas and Mrs. Edmonds have fun adding age-appropriate images. Parents and students enjoy visiting this eBoard and keeping current on what is going on in kindergarten!

Beth Borland, 1st Grade Teacher, South Huntington School District, NY
My eBoard has proven to be priceless. Through incorporating my eBoard into my classroom, communication between school and my families has been made much easier. My eBoard helps to keep parents up to date on projects, and reminds students and parents of classroom events, schedules and calendars. My students enjoy navigating my eBoard to play helpful educational websites that coincide with the topics and concepts we are learning in school. My students love viewing pictures that I post of our parties and field trips. They truly enjoy sharing their special memories with their families. My eBoard is truly a home – school connection!

Carol Serrano, 2nd Grade Teacher, Longwood School District, NY
eBoard has allowed for our classroom community to extend beyond the four walls of our classroom. Parents get a peek at what their children are engaged in as we update classroom activities regularly. Students love going home, signing on, and sharing what they have been doing in school.

Beth Singer Menis, 3rd Grade Teacher, Riverhead School District, NY
It has been an outstanding tool to communicate up to the minute information to the parents. To ease 1st day of school jitters, I even put a video clip – Virtual Tour of our classroom. Parents can contact me, get overviews of everything going in the classroom, and can even get necessary forms that they might need for life in our school and district. I cannot say enough about how much the families of my students love my Eboard. It’s so easy to stay on top of what is going on in our class…even if they have been absent or can’t read their handwriting in their homework notebook, they are just one click away from getting right on track.

Deborah Goldfarb, 3rd Grade Teacher, Half Hollow Hills School District, NY
I'm having a blast and so are my students and their parents. We share websites to enhance and enrich our curriculum, and showcase events and activities happening in the classroom. An eBoard is a wonderful vehicle for communication and information. Aren't we lucky to have this valuable and interactive tool, literally at our fingertips! Motivating, reinforcing, creating, and captivating -the world of technology intrigues us all and pushes us to continue to raise our bars as our adventure to the 21st century happens.

Beth Ann Vahle, 3rd Grade Teacher, Deer Park School District, NY
As a working parent, I know how important it is to stay involved with my child’s school academics and activities. My e-board enables the parents in my class to stay informed and updated with the many things we are doing in our class. I enjoy updating it frequently while adding pictures of my students, current websites, activities, etc. I especially cherish reading notes from my previous students on an i-note.

Michael Nadeau, Elementary Band Teacher, Commack School District, NY
I use my e-board for announcements, posting letters, posting the practice chart, motivational ideas, recruitment, etc.