eBoard Payment Form
Your Name: Your Address: Telephone #:
Your email Address: Name(s) of the eBoard(s) you are purchasing or
renewing: Board 1: ___________________________
Board 2: ___________________________ Board 3:
___________________________ Board 4: ___________________________
Board 5: ___________________________ Board 6:
___________________________ Board 7: ___________________________
Board 8: ___________________________ Board 9:
___________________________ Board 10: __________________________
Please print and include this page with your order. Our payment mailing address is:
Checks or Money Orders Only eBoard.com
801 Central Avenue Ocean City, NJ 08226 |
Purchase Orders eBoard.com 801 Central
Avenue Ocean City, NJ 08226
Checks and money orders must be drawn on United States institutions only. Please allow 7 to 10 business
days for your payment to be processed. If paying by purchase order, you may also fax your
purchase order to us at (609) 398-8513. If you have any questions, please call us at 609-796-4443
(Option 3, Accounting).
Thanks for using eBoard!